Sunday, June 17, 2012

What is Audio Learning ?
Audio learning means using audio books, courses and podcasts to become more knowledgable and fulfilled. We like to refer to this as Learning Out Loud. There are thousands of resources out there that allow you to learn about anything you're interested in. This page will introduce you to some of the best audio learning resources out there.

Why I Love Audio Learning
  1. With an iPod or other portable device it's easy to take multiple books with you wherever you go. Just try taking 10 real books with you on your next plane flight.
  2. It's tough to find the time to read these days. Audio learning allows you to finally "read" all the stuff you wanted to but never had the time for.
  3. You're going to be stuck in traffic for a good chunk of your life. Why not use that time productively?
  4. Some things (e.g., foreign languages) are way easier to learn on audio than through books.
  5. Some experiences can't be duplicated in print. I mean, you can read the text of Martin Luther King's speeches and sermons...but have you ever listened to them? Wow...

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