Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is meant by The Auditory Memory ?

What is meant by The Auditory Memory ?
Auditory memory is the ability to process information presented orally, analyze it mentally and store it to be recalled later. Those with a strong capacity for auditory memory are called auditory learners. The ability to learn from oral instructions and explanations is a fundamental skill required throughout life.
Auditory memory is one of the most important learning skills. Children with weak auditory learning skills often have difficulty understanding what words mean, and can show a delayed grasp of language. This is because phonics requires auditory short-term memory for children to remember word sounds and piece them together to form words. Furthermore, since many children learn to read by being read to, those with problems with auditory learning will likely take longer to learn to read, and these delays may be reflected later in life with poor reading and writing skills.
The capacity for auditory memory appears to have a genetic basis. About five percent of the population in developed countries has learning disabilities that hinder auditory learning. The disorder tends to run in families and is commonly shared in identical twins. The disorder has
also been linked to genetic diseases and developmental disorders.
Parents can test a child’s auditory short-term memory by testing their ability to repeat a sequence of numbers back to the tester. Begin by saying a sequence of four simple numbers, for example 5-2-8-4, and ask the child to repeat the sequence back. If the child is successful, increase the test sequence to five numbers, and continue until the child is no longer able to repeat the sequence correctly 75% of the time on their first try. Children should have the ability to repeat six or more digits in order to have the capacity to learn phonics.
Auditory memory skills can be developed through a number of exercises. Parents looking to develop auditory learning skills in their children can employ a number of simple practices throughout the day. For example, they can ask their children to repeat spoken messages out loud, as well as repeat important information such as their phone number and address to commit them to auditory memory. Parents can also play memory games with their children, such as clapping a rhythm and asking the child to repeat the sequence. Children may also enhance their auditory learning skills by learning word associations and categorizations of words and objects.
Developing auditory skills is not limited to only young children. Older children and adults can sharpen their short-term auditory memory by interpreting verbal cues into written notes. Additionally, they can read a sentence or paragraph from a book and explain the content in their own words or practice repeating sentences verbatim


  1. Hi Mohammed. I researched this subject some more . I found this article and want to share with others.

    Activities to develop auditory memory skills:

    Repeat and use information – pupils could be asked to repeat a sequence of two or three colours and then thread beads or arrange cubes using that sequence. The pupils could also complete card number sequences in the same way.
    Reciting – action rhymes, songs and jingles. Use the actions to aid the recall of key learning points.
    Memory and sequencing songs – songs like Old Macdonald, Ten Green Bottles, One Man went to Mow.
    Story recall 1 – retell the main events of a story, using puppets and background scenery as cues.
    Story recall 2 – draw the main events in well-known, patterned stories (eg. Little Red Hen, The Gingerbread Man).
    I went to market and I bought... – using real shopping items or pictures. Pupils have to recall the sequence of items bought.
    Recall simple sequences – of personal experiences and events and share with the group or class.
    Recall verbal messages 1 – containing one or two elements and requiring a

  2. Thank you very much indeed for posting these useful pieces of information
